Unitarian Universalist Church of Olinda
news of our historic UU church in Ruthven (Kingsville), Ontario

November 2016 Newsletter

October 29th, 2016 . by William Baylis

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November 2016 Sunday Services

October 26th, 2016 . by William Baylis
Date Speaker Title Musician(s)
Nov. 6 Rev. Fran Dearman Remembrance Day: A Peace Not Past Our Understanding. Unitarians and Uninversalists have not been of one mind concerning one’s attitude to war. Some of us are veterans, some of us may have cause to be deeply grateful to veterans, and some of us may be deeply committed to a pacifist response in the face of armed conflict. Rev. Fran shares some thoughts for mindfulness on Remembrance Day. Toni Janik
Nov. 13 Rev. Fran Dearman Heritage Sunday: Standing within a Living Tradition. As Olinda marks the 136th anniversary of liberal religious congregational life, Interim Minister the Rev. Fran Dearman speaks to UU Religious Education for children, and recalls the work of Religious Educator Sophia Lyon Fahs. With help from the Transition Team and the Archive Team, Rev. Fran introduces the Olinda Timeline project–where do your personal history and the history of the church connect? Bill & Bobbye Baylis and Ray Stone
Nov. 20 Rev. Fran Dearman Money Matters: Religion, Values, and Goldfish. Rev. Fran speaks to the annual pledge appeal. Lorie Lyons
Nov. 27 Barbara Billey Mindfulness in Everyday Twists and Turns. Barbara Billey, M.Ed., M.A., D.Min is an urban priest, compassion activist and registered psychotherapist. Here she explains how mindfulness practice offers one way forward that ignites compassion for ourselves and others. Carabel Ringrose
Dec. 4 Rev. Fran Dearman Unplugging the Christmas Machine: What do we truly value about Christmas?  A child-friendly, intergenerational service. There will be a potluck dinner after the service. tba