Is it true that I can be a Unitarian Universalist without belonging to a church?
Anyone can have Unitarian Universalist kinds of values without being part of a UU community but it is in being part of a congregation where each of our values grow and are challenged so that we become the best we can be and help others at the same time. And not all of us call our communities churches; some are fellowships, societies or congregations.
Do I have to talk to someone before I can come to one of your services? Is there anything special I need to know first?
Not at all! Everyone is welcome. You’ll be greeted at the door and shown where to hang your hat and where the services are held. Follow along in the Order of Service and anyone will be willing and happy to answer your questions.  Just one note that after church when we have refreshments, it’s a good thing to know you’ll find a cup for your tea or your coffee in the cabinet behind the “groaning tableâ€. We look forward to seeing you.
Do Unitarian Universalists believe in Satan?
We do not believe in Satan.
Can I believe anything I want to?
Almost anything but not quite everything. Believing that harming others is all right isn’t acceptable. Having your own ideas about the great questions of life like how we got here, why we’re here, what happens when we die and why bad things happen to good people is not only welcome; it is encouraged. And so is sharing, as long as we each are willing to listen to others’ ideas, too.
Are the Principles & Sources I see on your page the things you all believe?
The Principles and Sources are affirmations that bond our congregations across Canada. Many Unitarian Universalists affirm them, but they aren’t the only values UUs affirm, and they aren’t quite the same as our beliefs. Each of us develops our own credo (our personal statement of belief) instead of all Unitarian Universalists believing the same thing.
Are all Unitarian Universalists Humanists who don’t believe in God?
There are lots of Religious Humanists in Unitarian Universalist congregations, and many are agnostics or atheists. There are also Christians, Theists, Deists, Pagans, Panentheists, Jews, Buddhists, and followers of other ideas or traditions. While we may each bring our own understanding of nature and life, and what kinds of practices bring wholeness to our lives, UUs hold that it is not who or what you believe in that is important, but rather, how you live your life. Unitarians are united by values rather than belief in creed or dogma. Our values include acceptance of one another, compassion, and a commitment to justice and equity. We believe in exploring the mysteries of life, we believe in ethical living, we believe in living out our spirituality in this world by working for peace, justice, equality, democracy, and respect—for one another, as well as for the interdependent web of life, of which we are all a part. We welcome the diversity of ideas in the Unitarian Universalist church because they enrich our lives and our own search for meaning and truth. What’s most important is gathering in supportive, beloved community to explore, learn, grieve, express joy and celebrate life.