Unitarian Universalist Church of Olinda
news of our historic UU church in Ruthven (Kingsville), Ontario

Big Sing 2017

March 13th, 2017 . by William Baylis

Thanks to the super-talented Choir Master Glen Thomas Rideout and the First UU Congregation of Ann Arbor, members of our Choir at UU Olinda were able to join other choir members from Michigan and Indiana in the Big Sing on March 11 and 12 2017, in Ann Arbor. The theme of Welcoming and unity in diversity was a bright, joyous UU beacon in the face of separatist, racist, xenophobic, and homophobic attitudes on ascendancy around the world. Here’s a photo of Olinda participants after the concert:

 From L to R: Sue Markham, Jane Innerd, Bobbye Baylis. Stuart Miller, Bill Baylis, and Karen Andersen Miller

Funeral for Arnold Thompson on March 13

March 9th, 2017 . by William Baylis

We are deeply saddened by the death of G. Arnold Thompson (1921-2017), a long-time member of our UU Olinda Church. He passed away on Tuesday, March 7. His funeral will be held at the Reid Funeral Home, 14 Russell St., Leamington. Visitation starts t 10 AM and the service, to be led by our Interim Minister, the Reverend Frances Dearman, is scheduled for 11 AM.

March 2017 Newsletter

February 27th, 2017 . by William Baylis

Click here and enjoy!

February 2017 Newsletter

January 29th, 2017 . by William Baylis

Click here to view or download our newsletter. Enjoy!

January 2017 Newsletter

December 31st, 2016 . by William Baylis

Click here to view or download our newsletter. Enjoy!

Ministerial Search Committee Selected

December 12th, 2016 . by William Baylis

At its congregational meeting on Sunday, December 11, 2016, the UU Church of Olinda approved the following Search Committee for a new settled minister:

Bobbye Baylis
Steve Brennan
Cathy Dewhurst
Stuart Miller
Linda Upcott
John van Abbema

The committee will be selecting a chairperson and drafting a survey. Members of the church are encouraged to cooperate with the Search Committee and communicate any concerns about the search process with it.

December 2016 Newsletter

November 25th, 2016 . by William Baylis

Click here to view or download our newsletter. Enjoy!

December 2016 Sunday Services

November 21st, 2016 . by William Baylis
Date Speaker Title Musician(s)
Dec. 4 Rev. Fran Dearman Unplugging the Christmas Machine: What do we truly value about Christmas?  A child-friendly, intergenerational service. There will be a potluck dinner after the service. Bobbye & Bill Baylis and Ray Stone
Dec. 11 Rev. Fran Dearman Icelanders and the Larger Hope Liberal religion flows through many streams into Canadian Unitarianism and Universalism. Some Icelandic immigrants in the late nineteenth century brought an enthusiasm for universal salvation to their new home. Toni Janik
6 PM Wed. Dec. 14 Rev. Fran Dearman Blue Christmas Service Christmas cannot be merry for all, but peace, comfort, and stillness are still blessings. Share a simple meal of soup and bread after the service. Bill Baylis
Dec. 18 Rev. Fran Dearman Winter Tales Rev. Fran shares a series of readings about wintertime. This is a child friendly intergenerational service. Lorie Lyons
5 PM Sat. Dec. 24 Rev. Fran Dearman Christmas Eve Service A special family-friendly service with plenty of music. Bring joyous voices! Baylis Family
Dec. 25 Rev. Fran Dearman Fireside Stories An intimate gathering on Christmas morning. Rev. Fran shares a story from Alaska about winter weather. Carabel Ringrose
Jan. 1 Bill Baylis Looking Back and Forward A time for reflection and plans for the continuation of life’s trajectory. An intimate child-friendly service. All are invited to share thoughts and hopes. Carabel Ringrose

Our Christmas Families

November 5th, 2016 . by William Baylis


With this beautiful warm sunny weather, it seems early to think of Christmas and preparing a generous  Christmas for our annual Children’s Aid Society Christmas Families.
The Board of Trustees has approved the congregation’s providing Christmas gifts for families in need. We ask for families where there is the greatest need. This year we have two young single parent families led by mothers with one family with three children, two boys and  one girl and the other family with two children, one boy and one girl.
Linda and John Upcott have again generously agreed to shop for the two families. We plan to have the gifts ready and in clear plastic bags available for viewing on December 4.
If you wish to contribute toward the purchase of gifts, including grocery gift cards, to  fill the wish list of these two families,  please do so when convenient, preferably by November 27 but donations will be accepted until December 31.
Thank you for your consideration.
Helen Moore

November 2016 Newsletter

October 29th, 2016 . by William Baylis

Read or download our online newsletter: Click
here and enjoy!

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