Unitarian Universalist Church of Olinda
news of our historic UU church in Ruthven (Kingsville), Ontario

January 2014 Newsletter

January 3rd, 2014 . by William Baylis


UU Olinda votes to be recognized as a Welcoming Congregation

December 19th, 2013 . by William Baylis

UUA Chalice Rainbow After completing the UUA Welcoming Congregation Program over the past year, the UU Church of Olinda voted overwhelimingly on Sunday, December 15, to seek recognition as a welcoming congregation. The formal application to the UUA for such recognition is now in preparation.

Board Meeting on Thursday, December 19, 2013.

December 17th, 2013 . by William Baylis

The events listing in the December Newsletter gives the date as Dec. 18, but that is in error. The Board meeting is scheduled for 7 PM Thursday, as usual, December

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19. Sorry for any confusion.

Welcome, Howard and Don!

October 29th, 2013 . by William Baylis
Howard Pawley (L) and Don Dotzert (R) are welcomed into church membership.

Howard Pawley (L) and Don Dotzert (R) are welcomed into church membership on October 20, 2013.

From the Hill Parson on August 20, 2013

August 20th, 2013 . by admin

September is coming soon, just around the corner, the fulfillment of Spring and Summer.  And Olinda will awaken fully from Summer’s rest.  The September newsletter will be coming soon but let’s not wait until then to anticipate.

The first Sunday, as always, will bring us all into focus for the coming year, and include memories and events of the summer with our annual Water Ceremony.  That last is your bringing a small amount of water from something of the meaning of  this past summer bringing joy, sorrow, change, remembrance to your life.  We’ll share the water in a common pitcher and then pour it over the Memorial Garden behind the building.

The second service will jump us back to a core element of what was the minister’s Sabbatical work of earlier this year, attending services at two originally Universalist churches in Great Britain:  Edinburgh, Scotland and Brighton, England. And we’ll be off  to the races.

September 8 Ingathering: Summer’s Bounty

September 15 Universalism in Great Britain

Reverend Christine Hillman

Important Dates for June 2013

June 1st, 2013 . by admin


Events at UU Olinda in May 2013

April 25th, 2013 . by admin

May 5        Noon             International Dinner

May 8        7 PM              Book Club Meeting, The Hundred Secret Senses by Amy Tan

May 9        7 PM              Choir Rehearsal

May 12      10:30 AM    Toiletries for the House of Sophrosyne

May 12      Noon              Social Responsibility Committee Meeting

May 16      7 PM              Board of Trustees Meeting

May 19      9:15 AM         Sunday Services Meeting

May 19    Noon                Congregational Meeting on Basement

May 22    7 PM                Choir Rehearsal

May 25 9  – 4                    Bake and Trunk Sale

May 26    Noon               Sunday Services Scorecard

Events for April 2013

April 1st, 2013 . by admin

Please join us every Sunday (Labour Day through June 30) at 10:30 AM for a UU Service.

Apr. 3  7 PM Book Club Meeting, Why I Hate Canadians, by Will Ferguson

7  Noon aUUction Committee Meeting
Apr. 10 7 PM Choir Rehearsal
Apr. 18  7 PM Board Meeting
Apr. 21 Noon Social Responsibly Committee Meeting
Apr. 24  7 PM Choir Rehearsal
Apr. 27  2 PM Goods and Services aUUction
Apr. 28 Noon CUC Resolutions Meeting

Calling for yard work help

March 31st, 2013 . by admin

If you are able, please come and help our Property Trustee, Walt Sinclair, clean, trim, rake, and undertake various projects to protect and beautify the church exterior and the grounds. The plan is to gather at the Church on any Saturday in April  when the weather is appropriate. Thanks!

Sewing Circle

January 10th, 2009 . by admin

There is a sewing circle

hosted by Karen Miller every third Sunday in the church basement following coffee hour. Everyone is welcome. Bring your own projects and enjoy the lively conversation. The more that come, the more ideas can be shared about sewing but also about almost anything else you might like to discuss.

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