Unitarian Universalist Church of Olinda
news of our historic UU church in Ruthven (Kingsville), Ontario

Newsflash! Christmas Day service cancelled because of snow

December 25th, 2017 . by William Baylis

Because of the bad weather, the service planned at 10:30 Christmas day, Dec. 25, has been cancelled. Have a warm, peaceful and most merry Christmas at home!

The next service is at 10:30 AM New Years Eve day, December 31, 2017.


January 2018 Sunday Services

December 18th, 2017 . by William Baylis

Date Speaker Title Musician(s)
Jan. 7 Ray Stone William Ellery Channing and His Influence on Liberal Religion in America. Ray shares information about this important figure in the establishment of Unitarianism in America. Bobbye & Bill Baylis
Jan. 14 Rev. Keith Kron The Van Gogh Café. Rev. Kron discusses issues facing the Olinda congregation as it seeks a new settled minister. After the service, he will present a workshop “Beyond Categorical Thinking” from 12:30 to about 3:30 PM. Lorie Lyons
Jan. 21 Rev. Fran Dearman UU Traditions: Something Handed Down, and Renewed with Each New Generation Toni Janik
Jan. 28 Rev. Fran Dearman The Olympian Twelve: Culture, Creativity, and the Dance of Chaos and Cosmos  Lorie Lyons
Feb. 4 Irene Moore Davis Working Together for Change: Stories of Faithful Collaboration between African Canadians and Their Allies Baylis-Stone Trio