Unitarian Universalist Church of Olinda
news of our historic UU church in Ruthven (Kingsville), Ontario

January 2017 Newsletter

December 31st, 2016 . by William Baylis

Click here to view or download our newsletter. Enjoy!

January 2017 Sunday Services

December 27th, 2016 . by William Baylis
Date Speaker Title Musician(s)
Jan. 1 Bill Baylis Looking Back and Forward There are a couple of ways to view the evolution of time. Here we review events of 2016 and challenges that will face us in 2017. Congregational contributions are encouraged. Lorie Lyons
Jan. 8 Rev. Fran Dearman Faith, Hope, and Charity: A Reflection on Giving. Interim Minister the Rev. Fran Dearman shares some thoughts on opportunities and challenges in connection with Social Responsibility.
Bill and Bobbye Baylis
Jan. 15 Rev. Keith Kron Don’t Think of a Minister….Guest speaker Rev. Keith Kron is a minister from Kentucky and UUA/CUC Transitions Director. There will be soup and sandwiches following the service, and from noon to 1 pm a briefing and conversation session with Keith about the Search and Settlement process—all are welcome. Lorie Lyons
Jan. 22 Rev. Fran Dearman On Rabbie Burns. Celebrate the 258th birthday of famous Scottish Poet and Lyricist Robert Burns, born Jan. 25, 1759. There will be soup and sandwiches after the service, followed by a New Member Orientation Session, sponsored by the Olinda Membership Committee, led by Rev. Fran. See Rev. Fran or Membership Chair Lorie Lyons for details. Carabel Ringrose
Jan. 29 Glen Jackson Visitors’ Day in Haiti. A film presented by Glen Jackson Toni Janik
Feb. 5 Irene Moore Davis Black history in Essex County. Ms. Davis is a well-known scholar of black history in the region, and February is Black History month. Bill and Bobbye Baylis

Ministerial Search Committee Selected

December 12th, 2016 . by William Baylis

At its congregational meeting on Sunday, December 11, 2016, the UU Church of Olinda approved the following Search Committee for a new settled minister:

Bobbye Baylis
Steve Brennan
Cathy Dewhurst
Stuart Miller
Linda Upcott
John van Abbema

The committee will be selecting a chairperson and drafting a survey. Members of the church are encouraged to cooperate with the Search Committee and communicate any concerns about the search process with it.