Unitarian Universalist Church of Olinda
news of our historic UU church in Ruthven (Kingsville), Ontario

December 2016 Newsletter

November 25th, 2016 . by William Baylis

Click here to view or download our newsletter. Enjoy!

December 2016 Sunday Services

November 21st, 2016 . by William Baylis
Date Speaker Title Musician(s)
Dec. 4 Rev. Fran Dearman Unplugging the Christmas Machine: What do we truly value about Christmas?  A child-friendly, intergenerational service. There will be a potluck dinner after the service. Bobbye & Bill Baylis and Ray Stone
Dec. 11 Rev. Fran Dearman Icelanders and the Larger Hope Liberal religion flows through many streams into Canadian Unitarianism and Universalism. Some Icelandic immigrants in the late nineteenth century brought an enthusiasm for universal salvation to their new home. Toni Janik
6 PM Wed. Dec. 14 Rev. Fran Dearman Blue Christmas Service Christmas cannot be merry for all, but peace, comfort, and stillness are still blessings. Share a simple meal of soup and bread after the service. Bill Baylis
Dec. 18 Rev. Fran Dearman Winter Tales Rev. Fran shares a series of readings about wintertime. This is a child friendly intergenerational service. Lorie Lyons
5 PM Sat. Dec. 24 Rev. Fran Dearman Christmas Eve Service A special family-friendly service with plenty of music. Bring joyous voices! Baylis Family
Dec. 25 Rev. Fran Dearman Fireside Stories An intimate gathering on Christmas morning. Rev. Fran shares a story from Alaska about winter weather. Carabel Ringrose
Jan. 1 Bill Baylis Looking Back and Forward A time for reflection and plans for the continuation of life’s trajectory. An intimate child-friendly service. All are invited to share thoughts and hopes. Carabel Ringrose

World events e-discussion for Canadian UUs

November 14th, 2016 . by William Baylis

The CUC’s April Hope announced another teleconference at 3 PM on Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2016, for Canadian UUs wanting some reasoned community time after the world events of last week. She wrote:

“If you are still feeling the impact of recent world events, gather with other Canadian UU’s for reflection and support. After the US election results this week, we gathered as a community online, to share and listen to one another’s feelings and concerns. People appreciated this and have asked for another time to come together. CUC staff will once again provide questions and readings to facilitate this time of reflection.
“We will gather, next Wednesday, November 16 at 3pm Eastern, please see Zoom link below.  You do not need to have been on the previous call to join in this time. Please share widely.
“We share common principles, may they help ground us during this time of change.
Topic: Check-in for Canadian UU Community
Time: Nov 16, 2016 3:00 PM (GMT-5:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/360679267
Or iPhone one-tap (Canada Toll):  +16475580588,360679267#
Or Telephone:
    Dial: +1 647 558 0588 (Canada Toll)
    +1 855 703 8985 (Canada Toll Free)
    Meeting ID: 360 679 267
If you have any questions please feel free to email me directly at april@cuc.ca.
April Hope

Social Responsibility Coordinator


www.cuc.ca (416)489-4121

The CUC is a beacon for Unitarian Universalist communities across Canada, providing them with leadership, support and connection as they strive to foster a just and sustainable world and to enrich the spiritual lives of their members.”

In addition, in church on Sunday, member Jane Innerd encouraged us to write to Hilary Clinton if we wished to express thanks for her efforts and sympathy for the results. She has provided the following postal address:

Hillary Rodham Clinton
P.O. Box 5256
New York, NY
USA 10185-5256

Our Christmas Families

November 5th, 2016 . by William Baylis


With this beautiful warm sunny weather, it seems early to think of Christmas and preparing a generous  Christmas for our annual Children’s Aid Society Christmas Families.
The Board of Trustees has approved the congregation’s providing Christmas gifts for families in need. We ask for families where there is the greatest need. This year we have two young single parent families led by mothers with one family with three children, two boys and  one girl and the other family with two children, one boy and one girl.
Linda and John Upcott have again generously agreed to shop for the two families. We plan to have the gifts ready and in clear plastic bags available for viewing on December 4.
If you wish to contribute toward the purchase of gifts, including grocery gift cards, to  fill the wish list of these two families,  please do so when convenient, preferably by November 27 but donations will be accepted until December 31.
Thank you for your consideration.
Helen Moore