Unitarian Universalist Church of Olinda
news of our historic UU church in Ruthven (Kingsville), Ontario

Sunday Services in November 2013

October 29th, 2013 . by William Baylis

Sunday services begin at 10:30 and last about an hour. You are welcome to join us!

Nov. 3 “Standing on The Side of Love: Welcoming the LGBTQ Community” by Bobbye Baylis, Steve Brennan and Karen Miller. Music by Toni Janik

Nov. 10 “Universalism from the ‘Mother’ Land to Us — Happy Birthday!” by Rev. Christine Hillman. Music by Carabel Ringrose


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17 “Living our Lives into New Ways of Thinking” by Rev. Christine Hillman. Music by Lori Lyons

Nov. 24 “The Holy War of 1812” by Stuart Miller and Pat Haynes
Music by Bill & Bobbye Baylis and Ray Stone

Welcome, Howard and Don!

October 29th, 2013 . by William Baylis
Howard Pawley (L) and Don Dotzert (R) are welcomed into church membership.

Howard Pawley (L) and Don Dotzert (R) are welcomed into church membership on October 20, 2013.

November 2013 Newsletter

October 25th, 2013 . by William Baylis


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October 2013 Newsletter

October 11th, 2013 . by William Baylis


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Basement Renovations

October 8th, 2013 . by William Baylis
Basement east and south walls

Basement east and south walls

Basement south wall

Basement south wall with windows

During the summer, our church basement was renovated: walls to the outside were removed, cleaned of traces of mold, replaced by new ones sealed and impervious to

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moisture, new energy efficient windows were installed, new electrical circuits added, and the carpet was thoroughly cleaned.

Many thanks to Stuart Miller who organized the work, and to everyone who helped in the cleanup! We all enjoyed the bright, fresh, and clean environment for our fall potluck on October 6, 2013.