Unitarian Universalist Church of Olinda
news of our historic UU church in Ruthven (Kingsville), Ontario

Fruit Compote

December 14th, 2008 . by admin

Submitted by Reverend Christine

3/4 c. packed light brown sugar
2/3 c. of warm water
2 tbsp.

rosewater (available at any Greek grocery. If you prefer you would use any scented water or syrup or even a little grenadine… this particular recipe ain’t rocket science)
2 c. cold water
1/2 lbs dried apricots (I prefer to cut all the fruit in half to make things more bite-sized)
1.2 lbs dates
1/2 lb. dried figs
3/4 c. raisins
3/4 c. slivered b;anched a;monds
1/4 c. pistachio nuts (I chop them coarsely)
Yogurt to serve

In a bowl (duhh), put sugar and warm water. Stir until sugar has dissolved. Stir in rosewater and cold water. Add apricots, dates, figs and raisins to bowl. Stir and turn them in liquid, adding more water, if necessary (I always find it is… perhaps our dried fruit is drier in Canada), to cover.

“Cover bowl and refrigerate at least 24 hours (I prefer 48…you can make it up to three or four days ahead easily. It keeps pretty well) When ready to serve, add almonds and pistachio nuts (I find they aren’t harmed by soaking with the rest) and stir to mix with the fruit. Serve with yogurt.”

Makes 6 to 8 servings. (This recipe expands as you need it and measurements are far from precise. More apricots, fewer dates, it all works. I find that it is the flavour of fig that is key.)

Glad you enjoyed it.

From “The Book of Greek Cooking” Lesley Mackley ISBN 1-55788-062-x

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